Disaster Relief Call To Action

Calling on All Housing Cooperators to Support the Disaster Assistance Equity Act of 2019 (H.R. 5337)

Housing cooperatives impacted by a presidentially declared natural disaster—flood, wildfire, hurricane, tornado, blizzard, drought, or earthquake—are NOT currently afforded the same FEMA recovery resources as single-family homeowners, even though they pay the same federal taxes. It is unfair!

H.R. 5337 creates access to FEMA funds for repair or replacement of essential major common area elements facilities like boiler rooms, elevators, roofs, and outside walls.

H.R. 5337, also creates access to FEMA resources (via the local municipality) for debris removal from privately owned roads within cooperative property; resulting in huge savings for housing cooperative homeowners.

Click on the Democracy.io link @ https://democracy.io/#!/ to find your Representative. Call or e-mail them and ask them to co-sponsor and support HR 5337.  It’s fast and it’s easy. Ask everyone in your housing cooperative to do it.  Protect your housing cooperative and do it TODAY!

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