Advertise with NAHC

How We Can Help You

We can connect you to the national housing cooperative audience with an audience of board members, housing cooperative managers, and community members.

Advertising in Cooperative Housing Quarterly (CHQ)

The Cooperative Housing Quarterly (CHQ) is circulated to all of NAHC’s members four times a year and is electronically distributed, posted publicly on our website, as well as published in print mail to NAHC members. The CHQ contains articles for cooperative board members and professionals, up-to-date news on legislative issues that NAHC is monitoring, and practical information on issues facing housing cooperatives. Order Form >>

Advertising in the Professional Directory

The online Professional Directory is one of the most valuable benefits we provide our members as it’s searched by fellow members and the public who trust NAHC for referrals. Listings are divided into 4 categories: Cooperative Management, Financial Services, Legal Services, and Other Professional Services. Professional members can update their listing with a new Order Form >>

Advertising at the NAHC Annual Conference

Maximize your visibility and gain valuable face-to-face time with your customer. Secure your space in the NAHC Exhibit hall, align your company name with specific educational content and special events, or design a custom package that’s right for you. Explore the Annual Conference offerings for details.