NAHC has lost yet another of its pioneers. We mourn the loss of Al Reynolds, who stood tall in the field of cooperative housing. Many cooperators, managers, and clients felt his presence. Al was viewed by many as a mentor who was willing to share his knowledge and experience. He displayed selfless characteristics that embody the cooperative spirit.


Al dedicated decades of his life to volunteer service with NAHC and served in several key roles. He provided training through classes during annual conferences, which he supported with purse and presence. We miss Al’s wit and candor and continue to honor his memory.


We offer our sincere condolences to Al’s wife, Maxine, his family, and Alton Management.

1 comment

  1. I first met Al during Mayor Herrington’s administration and instantly bonded as we shared a commonality of helping those that have been traditionally left out of the economic and housing mainstreams of life. He was a GIANT in this regard. My sincerest condolence and God felt mercy and grace for the Al Reynolds family. His spirit will never die……………….

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