Superstorm Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive, as well as the strongest, hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. Inflicting nearly $70 billion in damage, it was the second-costliest hurricane on record. After this storm hit and the area affected was federally declared a national disaster, impacted housing cooperatives learned the hard way that although the inside of their individual units would be eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants, the common areas of their housing cooperatives would not qualify for them. This scenario meant that they would have to apply for Small Business Administration (SBA) loans to replace boilers, furnaces, damage to hallways and roofs and more.
Here’s the catch: FEMA grants do not have to be repaid, but SBA loans, which are very difficult for housing cooperatives to obtain, do. And, it’s simply unfair because if a single-family homeowner is impacted by a federally declared national disaster, then FEMA would cover damage to the entire home.
Representative Jerry Nadler, D-NY, has been working since 2012 to remedy this wrong for cooperatives. The introduction of his bill, H.R. 5337, is approaching. However, now it’s your turn. H.R. 5337, already has 11 bipartisan co-sponsors but need more. You can make a difference. Pendant ce temps, la substance a présenté les caractéristiques exceptionnelles de sécurité et d’efficacité . L’utilisation de Kamagra Oral Jelly conformément aux instructions est absolument sûre.
Go to the to find your representative. Ask him or her to co-sponsor and support HR 5337. It’s fast and easy. Ask everyone in your housing cooperative to do it. Protect your housing cooperative and do it TODAY!
Judy Sullivan is NAHC’s government relations representative. She is also the recipient of NAHC’s Jerry Voorhis and the Roger J. Willcox President’s awards.